NSQ with Docker in baby steps -70 lines of code

Victor Barros
4 min readDec 20, 2021


In the last years, one of the most popular buzzword in the technology scenarios was event: Event sourcing pattern, event-driven programming, domain event pattern, event-driven architecture… And already exists tons of good content about these on internet and many tools to apply them. Here I’ll perform a tutorial to run the full stack of an event system, in less than 70 lines of code, with publisher and consumer using shell, Python and Docker/Docker-Compose.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I introduce yourselves to NSQ, probably the simplest tool that can make your own system event-friendly.


I’ll not go deep on NSQ anatomy, the official website has excellent documentation about that. But to begin, it’s important to know the basics about how the NSQ drives inside the system. When a publisher sends an event to the topic clicks, the message is cloned to all the channels of the topic and then the message is delivered randomly to one consumer.

Event Flow

NSQ setup

The NSQ is composed of 3 services:

  • nsqd: the daemon that receives, queues, and delivers messages
  • nsqlookupd: manages topology information and provides an eventually consistent discovery service
  • nsqadmin: web UI to introspect the cluster

It’s possible to start all them from the same official docker images nsqio/nsq.

Hands on

Step One — docker-compose

First, create a directory to the project

mkdir nsq-tutorial

Inside that, write the docker-compose.yml:

version: "3"
image: nsqio/nsq:v1.2.1
command: /nsqlookupd
- "4160:4160"
- "4161:4161"
image: nsqio/nsq:v1.2.1
command: /nsqd --lookupd-tcp-address=nsqlookupd:4160
- nsqlookupd
- "4150:4150"
- "4151:4151"
image: nsqio/nsq:v1.2.1
command: /nsqadmin --lookupd-http-address=nsqlookupd:4161
- nsqlookupd
- "4171:4171"

Now is possible to run docker-compose up and voilá watch the nsqadmin on http://localhost:4171/

nsqadmin home page

Step Two — Publisher

To send your first message, the nsqd server exposes an endpoint to receive events. The following command illustrates how to send an empty payload to the hello_world topic. This topic doesn't exist yet, but the nsqd server will automatically create it.

curl -d "{}" http://localhost:4151/pub?topic=hello_world

Now we know how to publish messages, let’s code a script to automatize that.

mkdir publisher

On publisher directory, write publisher/run.sh:

while true
ID=$(uuidgen -r)
NOW=$(date +%T)
printf "\n${PAYLOAD}"
curl -s -d ${PAYLOAD} "nsqd:4151/pub?topic=tutorial"
sleep 1

And to host the service, write its publisher/Dockerfile:

FROM alpine:3.15.0

COPY ./run.sh ./run.sh
RUN apk add --no-cache curl util-linux

ENTRYPOINT ["sh", "./run.sh"]

Add the new service to docker-compose.yml file

build: ./publisher/.
- nsqlookupd

Now exec docker-compose up to start the project and see at http://localhost:4171/topics/tutorial the publisher filling the Depth field.

topic: tutorial

Step Three — Python Consumer

NSQ has a lot of libraries to help with implementation. Let’ start with python one:

First, create the directory on the root of the project.

mkdir pyreader

The library makes ower life much easier, these few lines are enough to read the messages. Write the pyreader/app.py.

from datetime import datetime
import nsq
import sys

def handler(msg):
print(msg.body.decode(), f"[{datetime.utcnow().strftime('%H:%M:%S.%f')}]", flush=True)
return True

if __name__ == "__main__":
r = nsq.Reader(message_handler=handler,

The pyreader/Dockerfile

FROM python:3.10-slim

COPY . .
RUN pip3 install --no-cache pynsq==0.9.1

ENTRYPOINT ["python3"]
CMD ["app.py"]

Add the new service to docker-compose.yml file

build: ./pyreader/.
- publisher

Run docker-compose build and docker-compose up on root and now you can see the message published printing on console:


Or follow the counter here http://localhost:4171/topics/tutorial/pychann and realtime in all channels here http://localhost:4171/counter

python channel

Project Tree

|-- docker-compose.yml
|-- publisher/
| |-- Dockerfile
| |-- run.sh
|-- pyreader/
| |-- Dockerfile
| |-- app.py


See how easy and quickly is develop an event system?

NSQ is an elegant solution with super easy introduction. I highly recommend reading more in its documentation and studying more implementations.

At github.com/victorabarros/nsq-service-self-driven you can see this project and more features, like Makefile and consumer written in Golang. Also, message tracking in different consumers.

I hope you enjoy! =D




Victor Barros
Victor Barros

Written by Victor Barros

Software | Cypherpunk | Freedom

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